Our systems integration in any web project

Our API provides an option to synchronize any CRM with us, or connect it with any web application, e-commerce platform or CMS system, thus enabling systems integration in any project looking for professional email marketing solutions.

If you use CMS with integrated CRM, the major concern is around CRM synchronization with other systems and segmentation of database. We ensure that integration with email marketing API will save time when importing and segmenting contacts, managing campaigns and analyzing statistics.

What type of projects should our API be used for?

API should be used in any project with an online registration process where client data is collected. Mostly these are interactive websites with registration options, or online stores where our integration can provide additional options.

Our API provides almost full functionality of our systems web version.

Projects where we recommend using API:

  • online stores: e.g. adding a subscription option during the purchase process
  • event registration forms
  • registration forms on social websites
  • compatibility with other CRM systems
  • compatibility with API of other platforms – process automation – importing contacts, creating, sending campaigns etc.

Get your API key

You will need an account to get an API key. If you are not yet a user, sign up for a free account on our homepage. Follow the instructions and become a user so you can start using everything we have to offer.

You need a key to start working with API. You can obtain it in our web interface.

Getting a key from web interface

You can find the key in your account drop-down menu - API Keys section. To get there:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Go to the Tools section
  3. Find the API Keys section.

It will show a list of API keys.

Choose a valid (active) key, which you will use in your application to work with our API. If the list does not contain any keys, you can create a new one by clicking on the "Add a key" button.

API Description

Our API provides an option to synchronize any CRM (customer relationship management) with the system, or connect it with any web application, e-commerce platform or CMS system, thus enabling platforms integration in any project looking for professional email marketing solutions. Our API also enables you to create a website sign-up form of your own design.

What are the benefits of using API?

If you use CMS (content management system) with integrated CRM, the major concern is around CRM synchronization with other systems and segmentation of database. We ensure that integration with API, will save time when importing and segmenting contacts, managing campaigns and analyzing statistics.

For what type of projects API should be used?

API should be used in any project with online registration process where client database is collected. Mostly these are interactive websites with registration or online stores where integration with our platform can provide additional options.

Projects where we recommend using our API:

  • online stores: adding subscription option during the purchase process;
  • event registration forms;
  • registration forms on social websites;
  • compatibility with other CRM systems;
  • compatibility with API of other platforms – process automation – importing contacts, creating, sending campaigns etc.

API functions

Our API provides almost full functionality that of our platforms web version. All functions are divided into following blocks:

  • list management;
  • campaign management;
  • reporting and statistics.

Lists management

API functions enable you to create new lists, delete lists, update list settings. You can also import new contacts, update the existing ones, thus dividing contacts into segments. You can segment and select data by required criteria.

Campaign management

API functions provide almost all necessary options to send plain text and HTML emails. With our platforms API campaign management functions, you can import email templates with HTML code, get information about existing templates in the gallery, and use templates or import new templates in the gallery.
It is also possible to schedule campaign delivery or unschedule in case of changes. All those activities will be available even without logging in our system.

Reports and statistics

API functions provide complete reporting on email marketing campaigns in order to calculate ROI, create graphs and integrate them into your own CMS system. You can get reports on open emails, bounced emails, click through rates etc.

Campaign Reports Overview

Description: This API is used for get campaign related all details.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/get_campaign_data_api.php?mode=get_campaign_data

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_data (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_Id (enter campaign id like “204”) (Required)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like total hard bounces, total soft bounces, total blocked bounces, total temporary bounces, generic bounces count, unsubscribes count for specific user, number of forwards, number of opens, last open date time data, unique opens count, number of clicks, last click date time data, number of unique clicks, users email who clicked, number of email sent.

Result: {
"code": "1",
"campaign_details": [
"hard_bounces": "7193",
"soft_bounces": "5204",
"blocked_bounces": "15679",
"temporary_bounces": "0",
"generic_bounces": "0",
"unsubscribes": "1",
"forwards": "31201",
"opens": "46",
"last_open": "2021-08-24 20:04:49",
"unique_opens": "1",
"clicks": "217",
"last_click": "2021-08-14 06:43:50",
"unique_clicks": "1",
"users_who_clicked": "user@domain.com",
"emails_sent": "31465"

Hard Bounce

Description: This API is used for get hard bounces campaign data.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/get_campaign_bounces_api.php?mode=get_campaign_hard_bounces

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_hard_bounces (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_Id (enter campaign id like “204”) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 1000. Maximum allowable value is 15000.)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like rcpt email, type, bouncedescription, bouncecategory, timestamp.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": "7193",

"hard_bounce_details": [


"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The recipient is invalid.",

"Bounce_Category": "Hard",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:21:34"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The recipient is invalid.",

"Bounce_Category": "Hard",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:19:32"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The recipient is invalid.",

"Bounce_Category": "Hard",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:30:25"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The recipient is invalid.",

"Bounce_Category": "Hard",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:38:36"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The recipient is invalid.",

"Bounce_Category": "Hard",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:49:25"




Soft Bounce

Description: This API is used for get soft bounces campaign data.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/get_campaign_bounces_api.php?mode=get_campaign_soft_bounces

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_soft_bounces (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_Id (enter campaign id like “204”) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 1000. Maximum allowable value is 15000.)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like rcpt email, type, bounce description, bounce category, timestamp.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": "7193",

"soft_bounce_details ": [


"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The response text could not be identified.",

"Bounce_Category": "Soft",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:52:57"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The response text could not be identified.",

"Bounce_Category": "Soft",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:52:40"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The response text could not be identified.",

"Bounce_Category": "Soft",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:52:39"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The response text could not be identified.",

"Bounce_Category": "Soft",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:51:53"




Block Bounce

Description: This API is used for get block bounces campaign data.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/get_campaign_bounces_api.php?mode=get_campaign_block_bounces

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_block_bounces (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_Id (enter campaign id like “204”) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 1000. Maximum allowable value is 15000.)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like rcpt email, type, bounce description, bounce category, timestamp.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": "15679 ",

"block_bounce_details": [


"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The message was blocked by the receiver as coming        from a known spam source.",

"Bounce_Category": "Block",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:07:59"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The message was blocked by the receiver as coming           from a known spam source.",

"Bounce_Category": "Block",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:07:55"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The message was blocked by the receiver as coming           from a known spam source.",

"Bounce_Category": "Block",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:07:55"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The message was blocked by the receiver as coming           from a known spam source.",

"Bounce_Category": "Block",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:07:54"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Type": "bounce",

"Bounce_Description": "The message was blocked by the receiver as coming           from a known spam source.",

"Bounce_Category": "Block",

"Timestamp": "2021-08-12 15:07:51"




Open Report

Description: This API is used for get open report campaign data.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/get_campaign_report_api.php?mode=get_campaign_open_report

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_open_report (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_Id (enter campaign id like “204”) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 1000. Maximum allowable value is 15000.)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like rcpt email, ip address, user agents, location, datetime.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": "46",

"campaign_open_details ": [


"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246 Mozilla/5.0",

"Location": "0,NA,US,,37.751,,,-97.822",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0",

"Location": "0,NA,US,,37.751,,,-97.822",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36",

"Location": "20149,NA,US,Ashburn,39.0481,VA,20149,-77.4728",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-N960U Build/QP1A.190711.020; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Mobile Safari/537.36",

"Location": "32159,NA,US,Lady Lake,28.9269,FL,32159,-81.9227",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246 Mozilla/5.0",

"Location": "0,NA,US,,37.751,,,-97.822",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246 Mozilla/5.0",

"Location": "0,NA,US,,37.751,,,-97.822",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"





Click Report

Description: This API is used for get click report campaign data.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/get_campaign_report_api.php?mode=get_campaign_click_report

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_click_report (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_Id (enter campaign id like “204”) (Required)
  • filter[link](URL address of specific link (optional).
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 1000. Maximum allowable value is 15000.)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like rcpt email, targeted link, ip address,user agent, location, date time.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": "217",

"campaign_click_details ": [


"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Targeted_Link": "https://website.com/",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0",

"Location": "18109,NA,US,Allentown,40.6366,PA,18109,-75.4405",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Targeted_Link": "https://website.com/",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36",

"Location": "97818,NA,US,Boardman,45.8491,OR,97818,-119.7143",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Targeted_Link": "https://website.com/",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0",

"Location": "18109,NA,US,Allentown,40.6366,PA,18109,-75.4405",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Targeted_Link": "https://website.com/",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0",

"Location": "0,NA,US,,37.751,,,-97.822",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Targeted_Link": "https://website.com/",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0",

"Location": "0,NA,US,,37.751,,,-97.822",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Targeted_Link": "https://website.com/",

"Ip_Address": "",

"User_Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0",

"Location": "0,NA,US,,37.751,,,-97.822",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"





Delivery Report

Description: This API is used for get delivery report campaign data.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/get_campaign_report_api.php?mode=get_campaign_delivery_report

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_delivery_report (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_Id (enter campaign id like “204”) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 1000. Maximum allowable value is 15000.)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like rcpt email, ip address, user agent, location, date time.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": "3125",

"campaign_delivery_details ": [


"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"





Non Open Report

Description: This API is used for get not open report campaign data.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/get_campaign_report_api.php?mode=get_campaign_not_open_report

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_not_open_report (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_Id (enter campaign id like “204”) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 1000. Maximum allowable value is 15000.)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data in “campaign notopendetail” And Also you will get total data count.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": "577771 ",

"campaign_not_open_detail": [




Unsubscribe Report

Description: This API is used for get unsubscribe campaign data.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/get_campaign_report_api.php?mode=get_campaign_unsubscribe_report

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_unsubscribe_report (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_Id (enter campaign id like “204”) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 1000. Maximum allowable value is 15000.)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like rcpt email, unsubscribe type, ip address, date time.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": "31465",

"campaign_unsubscribe_details": [


"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Unsubscribe_Type": "Globally",

"Ip_Address": "",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Unsubscribe_Type": "Globally",

"Ip_Address": "",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Unsubscribe_Type": "Globally",

"Ip_Address": "",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Unsubscribe_Type": "Globally",

"Ip_Address": "",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Unsubscribe_Type": "Globally",

"Ip_Address": "",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Unsubscribe_Type": "Globally",

"Ip_Address": "",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"



"Rcpt_Email": "user@domain.com",

"Unsubscribe_Type": "Globally",

"Ip_Address": "",

"Date_Time": "2021-08-12 12:30:00"





New List

Description: This API is used for create new list in mylists.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/list_action_api.php?mode=create_new_list

Request Parameter

  • mode: create_new_list (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • title (enter list title) (Required)
  • option (Enter permission reminder, public title in array )


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like id, listtitle, publiclisttitle, permission reminder, display in other webforms, display in other webforms details, subscribe, unsubscribe, group title, date time.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"id": "134     ",

"data": [


"Id": "134",

"ListTitle": "test",

"PublicListTitle": "test",

"Permision_Reminder": "true",

"Display_In_Other_Webforms": "False",

"Display_In_Other_Webforms_Details": "",

"Subscribe": "True",

"Unsubscribe": "False",

"Group_Title": "",

"Date_Time": "2021-10-22 13:00:54"




Upload to List

Description: This API is used for upload data to list.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/list_action_api.php?mode=upload_to_list

Request Parameter

  • mode: upload_to_list (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • list_id (enter list id) (Required)
  • email_address (enter email address) (Required) (No duplicate email is allowed)
  • merge_vars(Enter firstname, lastname, country, city in array)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then upload list successful.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"message": "Success",


Bulk Upload to List

Description: This API is used for upload data to list.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/list_action_api.php?mode=bulk_upload_to_list

Request Parameter

  • mode: bulk_upload_to_list (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • list_id (enter list id) (Required)
  • upload_file (Select file for uploading data in bulk order) (Required) *Sample File saved on the application*


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are already exist email with us.
  • If response code is 1 then upload list successful.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"message": "Success",


Get Lists

Description: This API is used for get all lists.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/all_list_api.php?mode=get_all_list

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_all_list (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (Optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 25. Maximum allowable value is 15,0000.)
  • Id (Enter Id if you want to filter by Id) (Optional)
  • list_title (Enter list_titleif you want to filter by list_title) (Optional)
  • sort_by(Enter sort by value like as ASC, DESC, MAX, MIN) (Optional) ( ASC- Pass Value “ASC” if you want to sorting by created date in ascending order, DESC- Pass Value “DESC” if you want to sorting by created date in descending order, MAX- Pass Value “MAX” if you want to get data by max subscriber count, MIN- Pass Value “MIN” if you want to get data by min subscriber count)
    Issues: sort_by option DESC is not showing proper result, it should show records from the last row to first row


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get all list data like below response.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": 49,

"list_details": [


"List_Id": "79",

"ListTitle": "First List",

"subscriber_count": "2"



"List_Id": "80",

"ListTitle": "Copy Of First List",

"subscriber_count": "15480"



"List_Id": "81",

"ListTitle": "Copy Of Copy Of First List",

"subscriber_count": "15479"



"List_Id": "82",

"ListTitle": "Testing CR Email List",

"subscriber_count": "1"



"List_Id": "83",

"ListTitle": "Copy Of Testing CR Email List",

"subscriber_count": "6"




Get Segments

Description: This API is used for get all segments.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/all_list_api.php?mode=get_segment_list

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_segment_list (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (Optional). Default value is 25. Maximum allowable value is 15,0000.)
  • Id (Enter Id if you want to filter by Id) (Optional)
  • segment_title (Enter segment title if you want to filter by segment title)(Optional)
  • sort_by(Enter sort by value like as ASC,DESC, MAX, MIN)(Optional) ( ASC- Pass Value “ASC” if you want to sorting by created date in ascending order, DESC- Pass Value “DESC” if you want to sorting by created date in descending order, MAX- Pass Value “MAX” if you want to get data by max subscriber count, MIN- Pass Value “MIN” if you want to get data by min subscriber count)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get all list data like below response.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": 1,

"segments_details": [


"Segment_Id": "60453",

"Segment_Title": "First Segment",

"subscriber_count": "1"




Unsubscribe From List

Description: This API is used for unscbscribe from list.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/list_action_api.php?mode=unsubscribe_from_list

Request Parameter

  • mode: unsubscribe_from_list (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • list_id (enter list id) (Required)
  • email_address (enter email address) (Required) (No duplicate email is allowed)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response is “Success”. Then email is unsubscribe from list.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"message": "Success",


Delete List

Description: This API is used for delete data from list.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/list_action_api.php?mode=delete_list

Request Parameter

  • mode: delete_list (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • id(enter list id) (Required)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then delete data from list successful.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"message": "Success",


Create Regular Campaign

Description: This API is used for create regular campaign.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/create_campaign_api.php?mode=create_regular_campaign

Request Parameter

  • mode: create_regular_campaign (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_type(Enter campaign type as “Regular”)
  • options[list_id] (enter list id in Option array like “79,80”) (Required)
  • options[segment_id] (enter segment id in Option array like “45610,60453”) (Optional)
  • options[from_email] (enter from email address) (Required)
  • options[reply_to_email] (enter Reply to email address) (Required)
  • options[from_name] (enter from Sender Name) (Optional)
  • options[campaign_name] (enter name of campaign)(max length 200 characters) (Required)
  • options[campaign_subject] (enter Campaign Subject) (Compulsory)(subject line max length should less than or equals to 200)
  • options[subscriber_count] (total no of subscribers as per the list or Segment selection) (Optional)
  • options[campaign_html] (enter html content) (Required)
  • options[template_id] (enter pre designed template on the system) (Optional)
  • unsubscribe_from (enter unsubscribe from value like “Globally OR List”)
  • send_option(enter send option like “Now/Later”)
  • If Later (scheduled_datetime) (Required if choosen later)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then no campaign added.
  • If response code is 1 then campaign added successful.

Result: {

"code": 1,

"id": "217",

"message": "Campaign added successfully."


Create A/B Split Campaign

Description: This API is used for create A/B Split campaign.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/create_campaign_api.php?mode=create_absplit_campaign

Request Parameter

  • mode: create_absplit_campaign (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_type(Enter campaign type as “A/B Split:diffsubject or A/B Split:diffsenders or A/B Split:difftimes or A/B Split:diffnewsletter”) (Required)
  • no_of_campaign(Enter number of A/B Split campaigns min value is 2 and max value is 4) (Required)
  • options[list_id] (enter list id in Option array like “79,80”) (Required)
  • options[segment_id] (enter segment id in Option array like “45610,60453”) (Optional)
  • options[from_email] (enter from email address) (Required)
  • options[reply_to_email] (enter Reply to email address)(Required)
  • options[from_name] (enter from Sender Name like “from_name_1, from_name_2 to from_name_4”) (Optional)
  • options[campaign_name] (enter name of campaign)(max length 200 characters) (Required)
  • options[campaign_subject] (enter Campaign Subject like “subject_1, subject_2 to subject_4”) (Required)
  • options[subscriber_count] (total no of subscribers as per the list or Segment selection) (Required)
  • options[campaign_html] (enter html content like html_1, html_2 to html_4) (Required)
  • options[template_id] (enter pre designed template on the system) (Optional)
  • unsubscribe_from (enter unsubcsribe from value like “Globally OR List”)
  • send_option (enter send option like “Now/Later”)
  • winner_options[winner_type] (enter winner type like “open/click”)
  • winner_options[winner_method] (enter winner method like “Automatically Or Manually”)
  • winner_options[winner_time] (enter winner time will be decided by Days or Hours like “08/11/2021-5:34”)
  • winner_options[winner_subscriber_count](Enter  no of subscriber count to test out of Total no of subscriber count)


  • Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.
  • If response code is 0 then no campaign added.
  • If response code is 1 then campaign added successful.

Result: {

"code": 1,

"id": "217",

"message": "Campaign added successfully."


Get All Campaign

Description: This API is used for get all segments list.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/all_list_api.php?mode=get_campaign_list

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_campaign_list (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 20. Maximum allowable value is 50.)
  • campaign_Id (Enter campaign Id if you want to filter by campaign id) (Optional)
  • status (Enter Status if you want to filter by status) (Optional)
  • title (Enter title if you want to filter by title) (Optional)
  • subject (Enter subject if you want to filter by subject) (Optional)
  • sort_by(Enter sort by value like as ASC, DESC, MAX, MIN) (Optional) ( ASC- Pass Value “ASC” if you want to sorting by created date in ascending order, DESC- Pass Value “DESC” if you want to sorting by created date in descending order, MAX- Pass Value “MAX” if you want to get data by max subscriber count, MIN- Pass Value “MIN” if you want to get data by min subscriber count)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign data like below response.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": 199,

"campaign_details": [


"Campaign_Id": "1",

"Campaign_Name": "Testing Event Reports",

"Campaign_Subject": "Good Night Email",

"Campaign_Type": "Regular",

"Status": "Sent",

"Sent_Date": "2021-03-22 14:08:26"



"Campaign_Id": "2",

"Campaign_Name": "Segment Test",

"Campaign_Subject": "Segment Test",

"Campaign_Type": "Regular",

"Status": "Sent",

"Sent_Date": "2021-03-24 09:33:06"



"Campaign_Id": "3",

"Campaign_Name": "Testing Basic Layouts",

"Campaign_Subject": "Basic Layouts",

"Campaign_Type": "Regular",

"Status": "Draft",

"Sent_Date": "2021-11-02 10:34:57"



"Campaign_Id": "4",

"Campaign_Name": "test-report",

"Campaign_Subject": "test-report",

"Campaign_Type": "Regular",

"Status": "Sent",

"Sent_Date": "2021-03-28 09:51:29"




Campaign Unschedule

Description: This API is used for campaign unscheduled.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/create_campaign_api.php?mode=campaign_unschedule

Request Parameter

  • mode: campaign_unschedule (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_id (Enter campaign id) (Required)


  • Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.
  • If response code is 0 then its shows error.
  • If response code is 1 then campaign unscheduled successfully.

Result: {

"code": 1,

"id": "214",

"message": "Campaign Unscheduled Successfully."


Create Campaign Duplicate

Description: This API is used for create duplicate campaign.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/create_campaign_api.php?mode=campaign_duplicate

Request Parameter

  • mode: campaign_duplicate (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation like - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • campaign_id (Enter campaign id) (Required)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then its shows error.
  • If response code is 1 then duplicate campaign created successfully.

Result: {

"code": 1,

"id": "218",

"message": "Duplicate Campaign Successfully."


Get emails from GSL

Description: This API is used for get email from gsl.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/list_action_api.php?mode=get_email_from_gsl

Request Parameter

  • mode: get_email_from_gsl (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • start (page number starting from which selection will be made (optional). Default value is 0.)
  • limit (number of results returned in one page (optional). Default value is 25. Maximum allowable value is 15,0000.)


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then you will get campaign statistics data like id, email, addedon.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"total": "5",

"gsl_emails_detail": [


"id": "2",

"Email": "user@domain.com",

"AddedOn": "2021-02-11"



"id": "3",

"Email": "user@domain.com",

"AddedOn": "2021-03-15"



"id": "4",

"Email": "user@domain.com",

"AddedOn": "2021-03-16"



"id": "5",

"Email": "user@domain.com",

"AddedOn": "2021-03-16"



"id": "6",

"Email": "user@domain.com",

"AddedOn": "2021-03-16"




Add Email to GSL

Description: This API is used for adding new email to gsl.

API URL: https://admin.clickdotmailer.com/api_clickdotmailer/list_action_api.php?mode=adding_email_to_gsl

Request Parameter

  • mode: adding_email_to_gsl (Required)
  • user_name (Enter user name for validation  - Your Login email address) (Required)
  • api_key(enter api key for user authentication) (Required)
  • email_address (enter email address) (Required)
  • first_name(Enter firstname )
  • last_name(Enter lastname )


Here user_name and api_key is used for user authentication.

  • If response code is 0 then there are no data available for selected campaign.
  • If response code is 1 then email added successfully to gsl.

Result: {

"code": "1",

"message": "Success",


If you have any questions about API and you can not find answers here, please let us know.

Simply Contact us and we will be happy to help you.